Bastard definition 1 an unpleasant person 2 a person born to parents who are not married to each other 3 an Learn moreThe poor bastard locked himself out of his house when it was raining El pobre desgraciado salió de casa sin la llave cuando estaba lloviendo An adjective is a word that describes a noun (eg the big dog)Of unusual make or proportions applied to guns, ships, swords as, bastard culverin, bastard galley, etc See phrases See phrases A local English name (in Weymouth) of the variegated sole, Solea variegata

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Sneaky bastard meaning in english-1 derogatory An unpleasant or despicable person1 A child whose parents ain't married 2 A way to insult someone without swearing

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Definition of bastard (Entry 2 of 2) 1 illegitimate his bastard son 2 of mixed or illconceived origin known for coining bastard words 3 of abnormal shape or irregular size bastard sizes of doors and windows — RAn illegitimate child See moreThe definition of a bastard is someone whose parents did not marry, or is something that has been changed or is not normal, or is slang for someone who people do not like An example of a bastard is a child who does not know her father An example of something that can be referred to as a bastard is a song that has been poorly remade
Bastard (comparative more bastard, superlative most bastard) Of or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant) Of or like a bastard (bad person) Of or like a mongrel, bastardized creature/crossBASTARD is a word in English with its meaning Lacking in genuineness;A royal bastard was a common term (now largely dropped from common usage) for the illegitimate child of a reigning monarch These children were considered to be born outside of marriage either because the monarch had an extramarital affair, or because the legitimacy of the monarch's marriage had been called into question
"Uh, yes, thank you" hunterTo bastardize (also to contort, to corrupt, to deform, to distort, to pervert, to scramble, to misstate, to bastardise)A noun, used to describe someone that's a bastard and a retard It's used as in insult against idiots, and should not be used against mentally challenged persons who don't know their father Lucy Ricardo, you fucking bastardo

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Bastard In the Old Testament the rendering of the Hebrew word mamzer', which means "polluted"In Deuteronomy 232, it occurs in the ordinary sense of illegitimate offspringIn Zechariah 96, the word is used in the sense of foreignerFrom the history of Jephthah we learn that there were bastard offspring among the Jews ( Judges 1117)In Hebrews 128, the word (Gr nothoi) is used in itsBastard meaning 1 an unpleasant person 2 a person born to parents who are not married to each other 3 an Learn moreA bastard (also historically called whoreson, although both of these terms have largely dropped from common usage) in the law of England and Wales is an illegitimate child, that is, one whose parents were not married at the time of his or her birth Unlike in many other systems of law, there was previously no possibility of post factum legitimisation of a bastard

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Applied to things which resemble those which are genuine, but areAn illegitimate baby, child, or adultDefinition of 'bastard' (bɑːstəʳd , bæs) Word forms plural bastards 1 countable noun Bastard is an insulting word which some people use about a person who has behaved very badly rude, offensive, disapproval 2 countable noun usually adjective NOUN Some people say things such as lucky bastard or poor bastard to refer to a person who they think is very lucky, or very unlucky

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Information and translations of bastard in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the webBastard Bastard used to be a not nice thing you called a child whose parents weren't married But now it's a more general insult hurled toward a jerk or bad person Bastard can also simply mean "fraudulent" This is a great example of how words change in meaning over time Today, if you were called a bastard, it probably has nothing to do with whether or not your parents are married it just means someone doesn't like you (unless they call you a magnificent bastard, which is a compliment)Definition of bastarding in the D dictionary Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word bastarding Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "bastarding" is defined 5

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'Bastard' meaning 5 definitions Chezza term of endearment Trav If you've spent too long in the sun (or the supermarket), as many outofdoors Australians have, this becomes an expression of endearment Similar to the oft maligned mate Example You old bastard, hahaha!Bastard Meaning in Urdu Bastard is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details ie Bastard meaning, Bastard word synonyms, and its similar words Bastard meaning in Urdu is ناجائز اولاد and Bastard word meaning in roman can write as Najaiz OladN 1 informal offensive an obnoxious or despicable person 2 informal often jocular a person, esp a man lucky bastard 3 informal something extremely difficult or unpleasant that job is a real bastard 4 oldfashioned or offensive a person born of unmarried parents;

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11 informal with adjective A person of a specified kind More example sentences 'he was a lucky bastard' 'the poor bastard' person, human being, human, being, mortal, soul, creature, thing View synonyms 12 British informal A difficult or awkward undertaking, situation, or deviceA longsword spurious, lacking genuinity of authenticity counterfeit, fakeFrom Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English bastard bas‧tard / ˈbɑːstəd, ˈbæ$ ˈbæstərd / noun countable 1 taboo UNPLEASANT someone, especially a man, who you think is unpleasant Do not use this word You lying bastard!

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'Bastard' meaning 5 definitions Chezza term of endearment Trav If you've spent too long in the sun (or the supermarket), as many outofdoors Australians have, this becomes an expression of endearment Similar to the oft maligned mate Example You old bastard, hahaha!Something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin, fake or counterfeit An intermediategrade steel file;A variation that is not genuine;

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The poor bastard locked himself out of his house when it was raining El pobre desgraciado salió de casa sin la llave cuando estaba lloviendo An adjective is a word that describes a noun (eg the big dog)A bastard may be perhaps defined to be one who is born of an illicit union, and before the lawful marriage of his parents 2 A man is a bastard if born, first) before the marriage of his parents;Bastard A term used to describe someone who disregards other people in pursuit of their own selfinterest Usually includes the acts or act of lying, spreading misinformation, covering one's own ass at the expense of others, or employing other forms of bullshitting

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Bastard definition, a person born of unmarried parents;Bastard Meaning in English to Urdu is حرامی, as written in Urdu and Harami, as written in Roman Urdu There are many synonyms of Bastard which include Adulterated, Counterfeit, Fake, False, Imperfect, Impure, Inferior, Irregular, Misbegotten, Mixed, Mongrel, Natural, Sham, Spurious, Suppositious, Baseborn, Ungenuine, Misborn, etcBut although he may have been begotten while his parents were single, yet if they afterwards marry, and he is born during the coverture, he is legitimate 1 Bl Com 455, 6

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Person, human being, human, being, mortal, soul, creature, thing View synonyms 12 British informal A difficult or awkward undertaking, situation, or device More example sentences 'it's been a bastard of a week' 'I've read about 100 pages these last two days and gotten a bastard of a headache for my troubles'BASTARD is a word in English with its meaning Lacking in genuineness;Synonyms & Antonyms of bastard (Entry 1 of 2) 1 born to a father and mother who are not married Alexander Hamilton appears to have been bothered by the fact that he was a bastard child

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Broken English Dictionary
Also bastard file A long, straight, narrow sword, with an undecorated hilt;Definition of bastard noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usageDefine bastardy bastardy synonyms, bastardy pronunciation, bastardy translation, English dictionary definition of bastardy n Offensive The condition of being born to parents not married to each other

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103 synonyms of bastard from the MerriamWebster Thesaurus, plus 133 related words, definitions, and antonyms Definition of bastard Nglish Translation of bastard for Spanish Speakers Britannica English Translation of bastard for Arabic Speakers Comments on bastardSynonyms & Antonyms of bastard (Entry 1 of 2) 1 born to a father and mother who are not married Alexander Hamilton appears to have been bothered by the fact that he was a bastard childA word or phrase that is seldom used in contemporary language and is recognized as being from another decade, (eg cat, groovy) (oldfashioned) An offensive word or phrase used to degrade a person or group of people based on race, gender, sexual preference, etc (eg ghetto) (pejorative) (illegitimate) a bastardo

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Applied to things which resemble those which are genuine, but areBastard A term used to describe someone who disregards other people in pursuit of their own selfinterest Usually includes the acts or act of lying, spreading misinformation, covering one's own ass at the expense of others, or employing other forms of bullshitting"Uh, yes, thank you" hunter

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Bastard translation in EnglishTamil dictionary Showing page 1 Found 9 sentences matching phrase "bastard"Found in 5 ms2 spoken informal not polite MAN a man who you think is very lucky or very unlucky – often used humorously He's gone straight to the top, the lucky bastardBastard noun Schwein, Hund, Scheißkerl, Arsch, Sack hybrid noun Hybride, Kreuzung, Mischling, Zwitterding, hybride Form mongrel noun Mischling, Promenadenmischung, Köter

Bastard Definition And Meaning

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Of abnormal or irregular shape or size;To bastardize (also to contort, to corrupt, to deform, to distort, to pervert, to scramble, to misstate, to bastardise)103 synonyms of bastard from the MerriamWebster Thesaurus, plus 133 related words, definitions, and antonyms Definition of bastard Nglish Translation of bastard for Spanish Speakers Britannica English Translation of bastard for Arabic Speakers Comments on bastard

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Bastard used to be a not nice thing you called a child whose parents weren't married But now it's a more general insult hurled toward a jerk or bad person Bastard can also simply mean "fraudulent"Meaning and examples for 'bastard' in SpanishEnglish dictionary √ 100% FREE √ Over 1,500,000 translations √ Fast and Easy to useBastard Definition, Meaning of Bastard on Farsi Dictionary, Online Farsi English Dictionary and Translation

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A royal bastard was a common term for the illegitimate child of a reigning monarch These children were considered to be born outside of marriage either because the monarch had an extramarital affair, or because the legitimacy of the monarch's marriage had been called into question Notable royal bastards include Henry FitzRoy, son of King Henry VIII of England, and the Duke of Monmouth, son of Charles II The AngloNorman surname Fitzroy means son of a king and was used by various illegitimaBastard Definition, Meaning of Bastard on Farsi Dictionary, Online Farsi English Dictionary and TranslationBastard (n) "illegitimate child," early 13c, from Old French bastard "acknowledged child of a nobleman by a woman other than his wife" (11c, Modern French bâtard ), probably from fils de bast "packsaddle son," meaning a child conceived on an improvised bed (saddles often doubled as beds while traveling), with pejorative ending art (see ard ) Alternative possibly is that the word is from ProtoGermanic *banstiz "barn," equally suggestive of low origin

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Applied to things which resemble those which are genuine, but areBastard (n) "illegitimate child," early 13c, from Old French bastard "acknowledged child of a nobleman by a woman other than his wife" (11c, Modern French bâtard), probably from fils de bast "packsaddle son," meaning a child conceived on an improvised bed (saddles often doubled as beds while traveling), with pejorative ending art (see ard)BASTARD is a word in English with its meaning Lacking in genuineness;

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